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Therefore, a lot of people need to leave their house to buy food and medicine, and it is vital people follow guidelines when out of their home.

Find a time that is best for you to shop

With many people in a similar position, there is unlikely to be a quiet time of day to shop, even though people are advised to stay at home. Stores which are still open have restricted opening hours, which increases the chances of shopping alongside others. Some stores are taking steps to limit the number of people in a shop at any one time, but this isn’t always easy to manage.

This means if you are going to be out shopping, other people will too, so you need to take precautions. You should take wipes so you can clean baskets or shopping trolleys. Some shoppers are wearing gloves, but remember that if your gloves touch a contaminated item, your gloves may then carry the infection.

Use common sense when shopping

You are advised not to touch your face, and dispose of the gloves responsibly at the end of the shopping process. There is also an argument for cleansing the containers and items you bought. If you have contaminated gloves on, every item you pick up may then be affected.

Also, there is a concern that some people will think wearing gloves provides them with ample protection, and this often leads to people skimping on other measures. This isn’t the case. A similar argument can be made for people covering their face. There is no harm in using a scarf, bandana or a cloth to keep your mouth and nose covered, but you must maintain all other tips to minimise your chance of exposure.

If you see people you know while out shopping, you should acknowledge them, but you need to remain a safe distance from them. You definitely shouldn’t shake their hand or hug them. These should be common sense tips, but we are living in a challenging time. If you see someone you know, it would be natural, and instinctive to respond to each other in a warm manner, but for now, you must avoid this style of engagement.

We know many people have questions and queries right now, and we are here to help as best we can. Please get in touch with Austin Property Services if there is anything, we can assist you with.

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